Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Citicorp Written Test

Written Test

Section-1 : C programming 25 Questions 35 mins.
Section-2 : Quants 16 Questions 16 min.
Section-3 : Logical Aptitude 15 Questions 14 min
Section-4 : C Programming 2 Questions 80 min

NOTE : Different question set for each student,programming questions are also different. No switching is allowed between the question.

Sample Programming Questions


You are given a string and u need to encrypt it

for eg:
01234 0123 012 0123456
hello dere and welcome (given string)
hfnos dfth .. ..       (output string)

So you need to add the index of character to itself. Also if the character is 'z' and you have to add say 3 to it then it should wrap around and be 'c'. If it is 'Z' then it should be 'C'


you are given a matrix (m x n) of which elements in its first row and col are 0 rest of them are 1 except one, and that one element is 9 you have to find location of that 9. It should be done with dynamic programming.


A adjacency matrix is given and  you need to find whether it represents Graph or Tree?


To traverse the link list and find if there is a cycle in that link list.

All The Best.

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